Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It was Indiana Jones like...

Wow. When I moved a while back I had thought this was lost like the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. But as usual, I was looking for something completely different and came across this strip.

When I first started working on Life On Pause, I didn't have the tools to do it the "right" way. Meaning, I didn't have a scanner. So I drew LOP in photoshop (See Image below) which had mixed results. Although I didn't have the means to scan LOP, it didn't stop me from drawing the first strip free hand, inking it and not doing such a great job keeping tabs on it. As you can see it's pretty much...Night. And. Day.


Anonymous said...

i really like it when you draw lop by hand. the overall end results are awesome!

Don Oskowski said...

Thanks, David. I'm leaning more and more towards getting back into the swing of things and hope to sometime in the coming months start focusing on LOP again...