Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Martin the Spartan Episode 1

Episode 1 is complete and ready for viewing. This Episode runs about 2:30 minutes.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Frederator RAW

Federator Studios have brought us the likes of the Fairly Odd Parents, Chalk Zone and Oh Yeah! Cartoons to name a few. Over at they have a "forum" based site "Frederator RAW" to allow amateur animators like myself and the professionals to post pictures and video to the site, with a Myspace kind of vibe.

If they like what they see they'll feature it in their podcast. And it doesn't hurt to get your stuff out in an area that professionals of the animation industry can see. I just became a card carrying member just a few days ago. I encourage you to check out the site. You can get to it by clickity-click-clicking the badge located over there on the right. No a little more over to the right, yeah thats it. I have posted a few images from Martin the Spartan. Nothing that you can't see here, but if your into animation, you should check-it-out.